
For any enquiries, please contact me through Facebook.

My social media handle (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) is @KJohnsonauthor. Please follow me there for updates and to connect.



  1. Loved reading your page in the weekend paper – having done my PhD in a cave in Trinidad in the mid-1960s, it brought back lots of lovely memories: [“His PhD was one of the first whole ecosystem studies that examined community and energy relationships (1969); and it was the earliest such study conducted by a single researcher. For this he received the awards for Best PhD Thesis and Best PhD Student”!!] – Happy to share stuff if you are interested – Supportively, Stuart

    • KatherineJohnson

      Dear Professor Hill
      Many thanks for your email and apologies for the delay in replying. I actually have only just come across your message now (I have to admit that I hadn’t realised the wordpress site had a direct messaging capability). I’m very pleased you enjoyed the piece in the paper, and your PhD research sounds fascinating. I am doing my own PhD now in a different field, but remain interested in caves. My latest novel, The Better Son, is based in a Tasmanian cave (Kubla Khan). There’s something that makes a person feel very small about being inside a place of such deep time.
      Thanks for making contact.
      kind regards

  2. Dear Camelia, I am an Australian writer, not the Katherine Johnson mathematician. Good luck with your search.
    kind regards

  3. Dear Katherine,
    Hi my name is Sarah Fox. I am doing a project on your work and life at NASA Langley. I am a big fan of the movie Hidden Figures and your math in the trajectory analysis. I am really hoping you could get back to us and hopefully give us some info on your work. Thank You. And hope you get back soon!

  4. Katherine,
    Hi my name is Micaela Sullivan! I am doing project on your work and need some pointers on where to start. I am a huge fan and love the movie that was made after your legacy. Please respond as soon a possible! Thank you!
    Kind Regards,
    Micaela Sullivan

  5. I have just finished reading “The Better Son” and thought it brilliant! Could not put it down It prompted me do some research on Tasmanian caves, especially Kubla Khan. How magnificent are they and how insignificant are we in comparison.

  6. Many thanks, Susan, for your lovely feedback. Much appreciated! Yes indeed, these caves are incredible and very humbling. Thank you for taking the time to write.
    kind regards

  7. Dear Katherine,
    I have been very interested in the “Better Son” it was amazing. You truly have a gift. Thank you for the wonderful information on the Tasmanian Caves. Thank you again.
    Kind Regards,
    Besty Sue

    • Thanks you so much for your lovely reply, I really appreciate receiving feedback from readers. Makes my day! 🙂 Apologies for the delay replying. I don’t receive alerts about these messages unfortunately and am faster at replying on my Facebook author page. If you search for Katherine Johnson author on Facebook you’ll find me. Feel free to contact me there, too, or follow and receive updates. I’m excited to have a new book, Matryoshka, coming out in October.
      all the very best, and thanks again for making contact.

  8. Hi Katherine,

    I’m not on Facebook so I will assume that you will get this message. I just did the Overland Track with a couple of girlfriends. It bucketed down with rain…lo…! With the dwindling daylight hours, it was either playing cards or early to bed to read a good book (that is if you were prepared to carry one and one of my friends did!) I took a photo of your book ‘The Better Son’ being read, re read and passed on…. My dear friend was completely lost in the pages and non communicative after dinner! We didn’t mind though, she’s a busy mum and it was the first book she had read in ages. It was highly recommended to her as THE book to buy and take away into the wilderness for a few days. I thought you would have loved knowing that your writing was being immensely appreciated. ( I even took a photo) Somehow, the book was miraculously kept dry when everything else got soaked. It’s my turn to read it now! Can’t wait!

    The myrtle tree you gave us all those years ago continues to grow beautifully in our garden.

    Well done on your amazing achievements with your writing. 🙂 Chris

    • Oh, Chris!! So lovely to hear from you and apologies for the delay in replying. For some reason I don’t receive alerts re these messages unfortunately. I am so thrilled your friend(s) enjoyed the book, and am very, very flattered that she/they took it on THAT walk! That is some feat. So grateful you got in touch and I hope all is well with you all.
      all the very best

  9. I’ve just finished reading ‘Matroyshka, a present from my maternal aunt. My maternal grandparents were displaced persons after WW2, escaping from Russia and my maternal Grandmother, Nina, always said Australia was paradise. They endured decades of poverty, famine and disease before coming to Australia. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome in 2014. Life with CFS is awful and, to date, no one knows the cause(s) and there is no cure. I enjoyed your book immensely, although, some aspects were a bit close to the bone for me – my mother was an unmarried teen when I was born and my grandma was like my second mum. She and I were extremely close. She died in 2006 yet I still think of her everyday. Thank you for your beautiful novel. Lara x

    • Katherine Johnson

      Thank you very much, Lara, for your touching reply. I am so pleased you enjoyed Matryoshka and that it rang true to you given your own family’s moving story. I wish you all the very best and thank you again for your message. (Apologies for the delay in replying. I’ve just seen your message tonight. NB you can also send messages to me at facebook – @KJohnsonauthor.)
      kind regards

  10. Katherine Johnson

    Thank you very much, Lara, for your touching reply. I am so pleased you enjoyed Matryoshka and that it rang true to you given your own family’s moving story. I wish you all the very best and thank you again for your message. (Apologies for the delay in replying. I’ve just seen your message tonight. NB you can also send messages to me at facebook – @KJohnsonauthor.)
    kind regards

  11. Hi Katherine Johnson my name is Morgan I am 12 and I live in Minnesota and I am doing a project for history day and it is on you Dorothy and Mary I was just wondering if you could tell me something’s about how you where feeling and how you where treated when you where helping doing I’m the math of friendships seven

    Morgan Macho

    • Dear Morgan
      I’m sorry but you’ve reached Katherine Johnson an Australian author, not the mathematician you are seeking to contact. Best of luck!
      kind regards

  12. Hi Katherine,
    I’ve just finished reading Paris Savages. What a story. I’m not sure what to say… was Very thought provoking. I’m curious about what happened to Hilda, Dorondera and Bonny after they separated. Did you find anything in your research after this time?

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